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Monday, November 27, 2006

I Weep for the Future....

This video was taken at large private university around the last Congressional election.

Look, I was a college student not too long ago, and I and my friends were all reasonably informed about public affairs and we voted.

If these self-indulgent twits can't be bothered to inform themselves and vote when they are students, what will happen when they work 40+ hours weeks and have a family?

While youth maybe wasted on the young, idiocy rarely is.


Charleston Catholic / Clay Center Project said...


Anonymous said...

Sadly, to a large number of Americans politics is boring. Yet, I think the problem isn’t that we are not moved to vote but that we find nothing worth voting about. A wise man once said something to the effect of Republicans say and do all the wrong things while Democrats say all the right things but do all the wrong things. A choice between two wrong things isn’t much of a choice. It is getting where one can’t tell the difference between the pigs and the men . . .